Miss You

Miss You

You may have gathered by now, I did in fact jinx things last week and I did not get #BuddyTheSunshineVan back πŸ™ƒ He’ll be on his way to another VW specialist tomorrow who will hopefully get him running smoothly and back to me soon 🚌

It’s not ideal, BUT he’s been in and will be in very good hands and I’m SO grateful for all the help I’ve had with him so far πŸ€—

Anywho, as always I’ll update you when I know more but I may wait until I’m actually sat behind his wheel and have taken him for an adventure by the sea before I say anything … you know, just to be sure I don’t jinx his recovery again πŸ˜‚ As always, thank you all so much for your lovely messages, orders and support - it’s much needed, and appreciated more than you know πŸ’›

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