Fuck Blue monday

Let’s get one thing straight: Blue Monday can sod right off. Who decided we needed a single, miserable day to feel extra rubbish?

Well I'm not buying it, not today. I'm flipping Blue Monday the bird. Who’s with me?

Instead of wallowing in the January blues, let's do something that actually brings a bit of joy. Maybe that’s dancing around the kitchen to an old-school banger, ordering your favourite takeaway because you deserve a wee break from cooking, or hey, maybe it looks like treating yourself to something from my Budget Bits section (nudge-nudge-wink-wink) because bargains make everything better!

Oh, and let’s not forget: the 10-minute portrait books open on Friday, 31st January! There’s nothing like a cheery custom keepsake to perk things up (or the thrill of giving one as a gift and smugly knowing you’ve nailed it)

Life’s too short for pointless misery. Go grab a cuppa, smash some babybels, and remember: the sun always comes out…

even on the shittiest of days



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