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Many of you here already know I use my socials to share personal happies as well as business shaped things I like to think it’s a positive space overall, to raise smiles and spread a little joy 💛

Things have felt a little heavy in my life lately as we lost my Grandma (not down the back of the sofa, although I wish that were the case!) and I’ve had a few health hiccups (mostly stress and mental health related) so I’ve been a bit quiet 🤐 Which, may I add, I recognise as completely normal and acceptable but it turns out I really do miss using this messed-up app for sharing nice pictures of nice things and talking to nice people!

Despite the struggles there are always shiny little moments of light and hope in every day and I still take lots of photos - every damn day 📷

So here’s a tiny selection of sunnier times of late, as a reminder … more for myself I guess but I hope you enjoy looking at some pretty pictures in-between the pre-planned businessy posts that have been popping up lately too 🤩

Look after yourselves and check in with your loved ones, folks!
