The Naughty (and nice) Jumpers are BACK!

It’s that wonderful time of the year again!

Personalised Christmas Jumper Tree Decorations

The infamous personalised Christmas jumpers ARE BACK!

I always look forward to releasing these cheeky little buggers again. And although it feels a bit odd to be throwing the C-word around already, I’m very excited to see all of your nicknames and swears this year. Last time round there were so many giggles!

As always, you can choose your word to be naughty or nice. Although here at Sunshine Towers we think the naughtier the better. (And by we I mean me, Rei, Toby and Pegs teehee!) 

Personalised Christmas jumpers are are in the shop NOW and due to the personalised nature of the tree decorations it is best to get your order in sooner rather than later. Yeah - I hear you! It’s September! 😅 But have a read over the dates and timings on the listing HERE and plan ahead with your shopping. I’d hate for anybody to miss out!

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