hello AGAIN
Whoops! I intended to take a small break after my last post to try and gather my thoughts as the world went into lockdown but I didn't expect six months to whizz by. I guess I just lost my writing mojo amidst the crazy ol' time we've all been going through.
It's funny because I thought my blog might get more attention as things started to shut down. I thought work would slow down/stop altogether, (queue panic attacks), and I fully intended to spend time on more admin related things like SEO and getting accounts in order but it turns out I was quite wrong to expect business to slow down!
THANK YOU all for keeping me so busy throughout this upside-down time!
The past 6 months have actually been rather busy and I am so unbelievably grateful to have had such wonderful support from my customers (new and existing!) throughout these tricky times. Everyone choosing to spend their hard earned money on gifts for loved ones and little treats for themselves or their pets has kept my business afloat and I am seriously counting my lucky stars as I know it's not been the case for everyone out there.
I know I mentioned this in my last post but it still feels awkward to admit that work and routine wise, things have felt relatively 'normal' here at Sunshine Towers. The Beard has been working from home since March, which took some getting used to, and Sunshine orders and commissions kept coming in steadily while friends and family were furloughed or thrown into limbo. We are so lucky and privileged to be able to continue working in these times and although it's not been easy and we've missed our friends, family and travelling about, I will never take the life we've built for granted.
FFS, Rei! Now is not the time to pretend to be the Andrex Puppy!
It took me a long time to come to terms with what was happening and what it would mean (I guess we're all still battling with it as rules and guidance changes so frequently) and I spent a lot of the last 6 months plodding on day by day, using dog walks and post office runs to keep me sane. Although so much happened each month, I mean, you'd think a pandemic would provide plenty to write about, huh? I lost all enthusiasm for talking about what I got up to. I just tried to keep focussing on happy things day to day and ended up sharing odd bits over on Instagram and Facebook instead.
I feel a tiny bit more at ease right now - don't get me wrong, everything still feels fucked up and I am terrified about Christmas without having events lined up but I'm doing my best to stay calm and deal with that and I actually felt the urge to write a blog post. So... HELLO AGAIN!
Don't panic though, I'm not going to write 6 months worth of round ups here (that would take too long and probably bore you all silly!) but I thought it would be nice to do a little overview so I can look back and remember what happened… before the rest of this shit-show of a year escapes me just as quickly as the past few months have.
Walkies with the wolf, a bit of welcome fresh air and calm… when she’s being good!
After my last minute decision back in March to offer 10 minute portraits from Buddy at home, I have done several more successful pop up events and LOVED THEM!
The wonderful Crafty Fox Market invited me to be part of their online Shopping with Soul Markets in April, May, June and July so each weekend they were running I opened up my order books and sat in my favourite spot painting my socks off!
I’ve taken a break from the 10 minute Portraits this month (August) as it’s quite intense and I also needed to get my bum into gear for Christmas! YIKES! I am very excited about planning some dates for September and in the run up to the festive season though, so watch this space!
Someone got tired of me painting day after day in the van…
new sunshine
Despite feeling a massive lack of creativity and the pressures of everything going on, I am super proud to say I designed, made and (eventually) released some shiny new stuff this Summer!
Cheers then Pegs! Glad you like the new forget-me-not earrings too…
Granted, the ideas had been in my head for ages but hey, I got there in the end and I’m so happy with how all the new earrings turned out. Head over to the SUNSHINE SHOP and look out for some special little forget-me-nots, cheeky peanuts, sweet strawberries, a few of your five a day and a cool new garnish for your gin!
3 of your 5 a day? Maybe…
There are separate listings for each newbie but if you fancy mixing and matching, head to the MIX & MATCH listing and you can pick your dream combo from all 40+ earring designs. (When on earth did I create so many different designs!)
Next up… I need to pull my finger out and get the rest of my Christmas newbies sampled and prepped for my Photoshoot with Holly Booth next month! YAY! I shared a peek of these new fairy light studs last week and the reaction was fab - I’m very excited to get everything organised and in the wild!
Are you more of a Stranger Things or Big on Christmas type person? Or both?
digital portrait commissions
I haven’t been able to share many of the lovely Sunshine Portraits I’ve created for people along the way as a lot are for gifts and then I forget about what I’ve done and I’m just rubbish at shouting about them so I thought I’d share some right now!
As much as I love doing the original watercolours for people, I think the digital Sunshines will always hold a special place in my heart… even if I do still use dinosaur-age methods to complete them!
I have been working on some more, which hopefully I’ll be able to share (and will remember to share) before the end of the year! Thank you all for continuing to ask me to draw for you - it’s the BEST part of my job for sure!
feeling thankful
Although times have been tough and unpredictable lately, somehow my business has managed to tick over and * touch wood * I haven’t found myself in a pickle or had to consider looking for another job… yet! I’m aware Christmas may change all of that but for now I am feeling incredibly grateful to my customers, the postal service and all the other key workers for keeping things going.
Post portrait and birthday sale carnage! THANK YOU!
This is 100% down to you lovely lot and your continued love and Sunshine support, I honestly couldn’t be more grateful and hopefully the little sales and give aways I’ve ran (and will continue to do so) and my gushing posts I tend to write on Instagram show my appreciation!
Amazing plaque for my letterbox by Liz Harry
STOP! Paddle time
In May, the ban on paddle sports was lifted and on my birthday I began hitting the river again - with the BIGGEST SMILE on my face.
For me, solo paddles, as early in the morning as possible, is just the best. So much calm, peace and quiet as you float alone down the river listening to the dawn chorus. So good for the soul!
I have been lucky enough to get out at least a couple of times a week, it’s often just a quick pre-dog walk jaunt to the local lock but I’ve managed to venture out towards town a couple of times and enjoy sunrise in the city before everyone wakes up.
Also, the colours that fill the sky as the sun comes up never fail to blow my mind…
Some times I’ve even had a passenger on board! Rei has been building her confidence and testing my skills on the river and I couldn’t be more proud of her!
Some of her besties have also got involved in the SUP Pup Club…
I have a million more photos from my sunrise SUP sessions but I hope this small selection helps to share some of the tranquility and beautifulness. Some people say I’m crazy for getting up so early but this time alone on the water is what keeps me from going crazy!
That said though, I do enjoy a social paddle (and the odd sunset session) too! I’ve had the pleasure of going out with a couple of friends, paddling to a beer garden and joining the SUPer Whale gang recently and it’s been ace! Especially when snacks and fizz are on board!
home workouts
I never thought I’d say this but working out at home has been GREAT! I have to admit the struggle to keep it up has been VERY real at times but I am so thankful I have been able to access regular workouts online!
Taking time to smash through these workouts 3 - 4 times a week really has made all the difference. I’ll be honest some weeks I’ve only managed 1 or 2 sessions but it didn’t take me long to realise how much I need to keep moving this way and regularly in order to keep my brain and body happy. Even when I don’t want to do it, I always end up with a smile on my face afterwards!
July also saw me reach 1 whole year at Fit Camp! It’s been a tough and weird old time but I am so thankful to have had these guys to keep me going. I joined TK Total Fitness last year because I was feeling physically weak and was suffering from aches and pains in my lower back and knees. In general, I felt pretty sh*t about myself and had lost a lot of my mojo and some Sunshine along the way.
I knew I needed to move more, build some strength and find my confidence again but I also knew I couldn’t do it alone. Not only has Tom helped me become physically stronger and banish a lot of those aches and pains (I’ve never loved stretching so much!) but with it I feel mentally stronger than ever, (even if I do still have some wobbles). I am more confident in myself and my abilities and most importantly I found that bit of Sunshine I was missing.
I’ve also met some brilliant people along the way and count myself lucky to be able to be part of such an inspiring, super-charged, fun loving bunch of amazing human beans! OK, soppy sh*t done.
rei & doggy play dates
I’m sure our puppy has a better social life than us these days! Rei has met some wonderful doggos and their humans are equally as wonderful, so much so we have become good friends with them all!
From regular local walkies together to play dates and beers in each other’s gardens, I have never been so thankful to have bumped into other people in the mornings when we’ve been walking Rei. Hopefully Baxter and Rosie’s humans feel the same way…
Daily walks have been a source of much needed laughter, dog behaviour ranting, river retrievals and heart-warming, often mental puppy play!
garden camping
When everything was in full lock down, we decided to still make use of Buddy and the lovely garden space we’re so lucky to have.
Some nights we just curled up in him with a film and a bottle of wine, other nights we went full camp-site with a BBQ and watched the sun go down.
It was also a great opportunity to get Rei used to spending time in the Campervan with us, after all… she’s destined to be an adventure dog and we can’t have her sleeping outside the van at night when we go away.
24 hour mini adventures
A different kind of adventuring…
Even though the travel restrictions and holiday ‘rules’ have eased over the Summer, we didn’t quite feel comfortable going away properly so instead we’ve become pretty good at 24 hour breaks in the van!
Obviously this does limit where we go but my god have we packed a lot in to each trip so far and it’s AMAZING what a bit of time away can do for the mind, body and soul!
Some adventures have been days out to the beach and some have been overnight camping trips to the hills, including Rei’s first overnight stay in Buddy! She smashed it and has settled in there brilliantly each time since too.
I’ve loved each little trip and they reminded me how much you can pack into such a small amount of time if you plan and prepare enough. Fingers crossed we’ll continue to do this to maximise our weekends and explore more of our local-ish areas over the coming months.
All being well, we do also have our first proper trip away booked for next month, it’s only a few nights in Northumberland but I cannot wait. We’re staying an awesome AirBnB and Rei will be coming with us so it will be another first for her.
Anyway, I won’t ramble too much more about the upcoming trip as who knows what might happen before then. I’m just keeping my fingers crossed for a lovely escape to the North East and that glorious coast line!
As well as these little trips with The Beard and Rei, I also took myself on my own mini adventure. I say adventure, it’s not really… I just went home to finally see my family in Nottingham but I put on my big girl pants and drove Buddy there and back… ALONE!
If I’m honest I’m still buzzing from it and it’s given me the confidence to drive him around a bit more at home too, even if it’s just to take Rei for walkies a bit further afield or to pop to the supermarket.
It’s also given me the kick up the bum I needed to start planning more solo trips in him and to use him more to catch up with friends.
It’s not far from home but I took myself and Rei to Rutland Water very recently to meet my bestie. Rei was an absolute gem, sitting beside me while I sang my heart out and trundled down the motorway!
We had a lovely day at Rutland, drinking tea, wandering by the water and catching up while Rei chased her favourite frisbee.
I’m determined to make these mini trips a regular thing and eventually have the balls to take him further afield for some solo camping adventures too!
giving blood and new ink
Blood Donation Centres have remained open throughout all of this and people are encouraged to go and give blood if they are safe and able to. I was feeling super anxious about leaving the house when I was due to give blood again in May/June so I held off a little while.
But when I did go earlier this month it was as safe and friendly as ever at the Cambridge Donation Centre. I felt completely at ease and enjoyed my savoury snacks and juice afterwards! It also meant I could book an appointment for my next tattoo, especially seeing as my favourite tattoo artist had been able to re-open their studio in Derby again.
This beautiful lighthouse joined the gang this time and it’s quite a personal one. Many moons ago, when planning my sleeve, I decided I would include a lighthouse for a few reasons. They have always fascinated me, since the days of Portland Bill - if anyone is old enough to remember that!
I have so many fond memories of ones around the world I’ve been lucky enough to visit but this particular lighthouse is based on the beautiful one at Happisburgh. It’s where Buddy’s first adventure was and the day I first drove him. I’m still gutted it’s actually pronounced Haze-brugh and not Happies-burgh but it will forever make me chuckle when I think about it.
On a much more personal level, I chose a Lighthouse to remind me of the important people who have shone and who continue to shine a light in my life - those who are always there for me and will forever be in my heart (and now on my arm). It’s also a reminder that I too am a lighthouse for others, whether I realise it or not (special thanks to a dear friend who pointed this out to me when I most needed it!) It’s to remind me to stay strong and keep shining bright, doing what I can to help and keep others smiling.
On to one of my FAVOURITE subjects and something you probably know I look forward to writing about in these round-up type posts…. FOOD! I mentioned back in March that the food scene in Cambridge was adapting and starting to offer so many amazing take away and delivery options and well… it just kept getting BETTER!
Being such a fan of the local foodies already and obviously up for supporting as many indie businesses as possible, we did a pretty good job of sampling what was on offer and I figured it would be rude of me not to share those delights with you… so get ready to drool!
kits and home delivery
Steak and Honour : burger kits, we may have had more than one (or two) of these…
Pint Shop at Home : kebab kit, so easy, so good!
Guerilla Kitchen : bao kits and steamers for the best #bunlove at home!
The Cheese Bar London : insane toastie kit!
Blue Caribou : heavenly poutine kit for Canada Day
Honeywell bakes : sharing wreath kit, I didn’t want to share!
Booze delivery
Pastore Brewing, Waterbeach
Thirsty : our fave place delivered on more than one occassion!
Take Away Picnics
Vanderlyle : the poshest, tastiest of picnics
The Bucket List : overstrand beach
Wandering Yak : we may have visited the van AND had their take away picnic mezze
Seaside ice cream : Holkham (when in Rome!)
Home deliveries
Scotts All Day x Restaurant 22 pizza, the mac and cheese balls are also amazing!
Kura Kura : cashew curry and the BEST bhajis
Vegan Vice Club : delicious burger and ‘chicken’ tenders
La Latina : tostones to the door
Doppleganger delivery : can’t get enough!
Socially distanced set ups
Food Park : so happy to see them up and running again!
Wandering Yak : back again, with the wolf
Pimp my Fish : fish burger brilliance!
Road Dogs : love their dirty fries - filth!
Bread and Meat : their take away poutine is perfect, especially in their secret garden!
Calvery’s brewery for a take away growler and burger from Steak and Honour
Street food market at The Pigs, Edgefield : so many street food delights!
….and of course, I’ve still been cooking at home but you don’t need to see the crisp sandwiches, chips and gravy, potato waffle or token salads I’ve been whipping up so I’ll just end this section with one of my favourite, most recent and very grown up lunches…
a few final feels
Although things are starting to open up again and we're able to go out and about more, I still feel quite anxious about jumping back into things. This pandemic is far from over and larger, group gatherings still make me feel very uneasy.
I am incredibly grateful to be able to get outdoors and go further afield though. Getting up early has never paid off so much as we've often had trails and beaches to ourselves for the morning and have happily trundled off home as more folk start to arrive. We've only been to a couple of places for food/drink and they've been brilliantly set up for social distancing, offering table service, street food vans and plenty of space outdoors to sit.
I've also started to go back to some of my fitness classes in person too, which has giving me an extra boost I needed in many ways. The TK Total Fit Fam are outside at a local community college on a massive astroturf and my spin class has moved to a huge gym hall with bikes well spaced so I feel less anxious about participating now.
Don't get me wrong, I still have my wobbles and have missed out on several social occasions or classes because my brain has freaked out but I'm a MASSIVE introvert so this used to happen regularly anyway - maybe not on the same scale with the fear of a virus but still!
Anywho, there you have it! 6 months in a tiny nutshell! I know it’s a BIG ol’ blog post but I say tiny because it doesn't even come close to summing up all of the feelings, personal trickies, day to day-ness or the rest of the sh*t storm 2020 has brought but what it does do is round up a lot of the positives and gives a peek of how work and play have been for me throughout this odd time.
I would like to say I'll be back in September with my monthly round ups but who know what the next month, week or even few days will bring… Whatever is around the corner, I hope you've all managed to enjoy some sunshine and good times amidst the chaos and you are all keeping happy and healthy.
Take care and stay safe folks!