sunshine chronicles
stories about all things hello sunshine
Just a Card Week
This week is JUST A CARD week and I’ve been so busy, thanks to you lovely lot, I haven’t had the time or brain space to take part… until TODAY! So I’m ‘treating’ you all to a mega-bumper-sunshine-shot of all 5 prompts in one little blog post - you lucky beans. So, here goes…
The festive Sunshine Van is back to update you on this year’s posting dates!
And just like that another month came and went! Now it’s November and we’re already half way through (eep!) so before it disappears completely, I thought I’d share a quick round up of October….
UMPA UMPA! Stick it up your jumper!
YES! The Sunshine Jumpers are back and this year I’m hoping for even more swears and giggles! Over the last 4 or 5 years, these little jumpers have come back each Winter and since offering personalised versions, they have provided many a…
I just realised that the name of these monthly posts doesn’t really make sense! I mean, they should probably be called ‘goodbye *insert month here*’ rather than hello but seeing as nobody has pointed that out to me yet and they’ve been going a couple of years maybe I’ll just…
Norway Adventures
It will soon be a month since we left for our Norwegian adventure and seeing as I promised to write about what we got up to, I figured it was time to pull my finger out and share some holiday snaps! This was my 4th trip to Norway and it really is one of my most favourite places to explore - each trip has been so different but
hello August
Blink and you’ll miss it! This Summer has WHIZZED by isn’t it? It’s been a big ol’ mix of adventures and work this month so I’ve tried to pick a couple of highlights to share from both camps! Let’s kick off with the hard, more serious stuff…
Witness the Fitness
I’m about to let you in on a bit of a secret… well not really a secret but something I’ve pretty much kept to myself over the past few months… back in June I started an adventure of a different kind.
An adventure into the world of fitness.
hello JULY
Oh July, you have been a month of it all! Ups and downs a plenty and I have to be honest towards the end of the month I wasn’t much looking forward to looking back and reliving some bits but here we are. Let’s start with the good times, the play times and the fun….
Sharing Sunshine
It’s been nearly 6 months since I wrote a post dedicated to sharing Sunshine Portraits so I figured it was about time to pop over and share some more of my favourites with you. Sunshine commissions, whether they’re watercolours, wedding portraits, birthday gifts or illustration of another nature…
hello JUNE
Well May quickly came and went, then all of a sudden it was June and we’re almost half way through the year! YIKES! Even though there were a few trips out and about this month, I feel like we got some more time at home (finally!) and got stuck in to some much needed ‘adulting’ with…
what I wore...
You may remember last year I kept a little ‘adventure outfit’ diary with ‘What I Wore Today’ paintings and they were linked to a place I had been or an occasion. I think the 2018 WIWT diary worked nicely and I enjoyed having an excuse to get my paints out once a month for a personal little project. You can see them
After having my first SUP (stand up paddleboarding) lessons in 2016 and countless times hiring boards out in various locations, I finally thought ‘f*ck it!’ and boshed this investment on my credit card. Thinking back…
hello APRIL
I’ve decided to pick at least 3 happy play times from each month and 3 highlights for work related bits - it seems like a nice balance and keeps me from waffling on and on and on and on… so before I get carried away with pre-waffle let’s move on shall we?
My 1st Wedding Fair
As I mentioned in my little round up from March, it happened! I went, I painted, I smiled and .. I slept a helluvalot the days after! The Most Curious Wedding Fair was just brilliant. We drove up in Buddy and set up the day before…
hello MARCH
Another month, another post and I think I’m getting into the swing of blogging - dare I say it - regularly ! Two posts a month seems feasible though; a little round up post to capture work and play highlights then the odd ad-hoc post to share…
This year seems to be whizzing by and although it's brought a lot of fun times and adventures with it so far, it's also been full of exciting projects and lots of Sunshine work too. So I thought I'd take some time to share some new Sunshine with you in this little blog post…
It’s that time again, that bit of time I take to look back at the month and share a little bit of what’s been going on at Sunshine Towers (and beyond!) I thought January’s split of home vs work life updates worked nicely so I think I’ll stick to that kind of format for all of these updates now… So, here goes!
I’m not sure I’ve actually written a post dedicated to sharing Sunshine Portraits since moving the blog over here! Oops! But I’m going to change that (starting now!) and will aim to pop over here every few months to share some of my favourite work with you. Don’t tell the jewellery but portraits are always my favourite…